Tag Archive for: Alcohol

Do You Want To Stop Drinking?


In just a few short weeks Macmillan Cancer Support will be asking you to commit to 31 days of sobriety in their annual Go Sober for October campaign (click here). It’s a fun way to be healthy and helpful. But for some people, that commitment isn’t as easy as it sounds. What do you do if you think you have a problem with drink? What do you do if you don’t think you can stop? Read more

Are You Driven To Drink?


Are you drinking because of your job? According to results published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (click here), yes you are. Mining, construction and hospitality are among the top ten industries most likely to make you drink unhealthy amounts of alcohol. And, therein lies the rub: they’re wrong. Read more

You’re not such a hard habit to break



So, here we are, just a few short days into October, a month designated for giving up not one, but two unhealthy habits: namely, drinking and smoking. Yep, MacMillan would like you to go sober for October (click here), while the NHS would like you to use this month to stop smoking for good (click here). But, just how hard are these habits to break? Read more