Do You Want To Stop Drinking?


In just a few short weeks Macmillan Cancer Support will be asking you to commit to 31 days of sobriety in their annual Go Sober for October campaign (click here). It’s a fun way to be healthy and helpful. But for some people, that commitment isn’t as easy as it sounds. What do you do if you think you have a problem with drink? What do you do if you don’t think you can stop? Read more

Hypnotherapy: Here to Help you Shed those Pounds



Hypnotherapy is an altered state of consciousness, very similar to daydreaming, or losing yourself in a really good book. In this trance-like state, your unconscious mind becomes very susceptible to positive suggestion, especially when those suggestions are tied to a goal you already know you want to achieve. When it comes to weight loss, whether you goal is to shed a few pounds or a few stone, you’ll be amazed at what a good hypnotherapist can help you with. Read more

Therapy: Physical Fitness for your Mind

man woman exercising weights workout fitness ball

Despite the best efforts of the media and mental health professionals there is still, sadly, as stigma surrounding mental health. Many people regard psychotherapy and counselling sessions with fear and trepidation. But, there is a different view you can take. As the old adage says, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Time then, to think of a therapist as nothing more than a fitness instructor for your mind. Read more

Brand New Bristol Based Therapist



Well, fairly new; well, sort of new. New-ish; okay, I moved here from London in January 2016 but, due to other work commitments, it’s taken me this long to sort a private practice out. However, I am a psychotherapist and I’ve been working as one since 2004. Read more

Five Thinking Errors, and How to Deal With Them




In Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) we often talk about, and look for, what we call cognitive distortions. Also known as ‘thinking errors’ a cognitive distortion is a type of thought (one that a: disturbs you, and b: isn’t true). They include all-or-nothing thinking, overgeneralisation, mind reading, filtering, emotional reasoning and more. To find out what these are, and how to deal with them, read on. Read more

Stop Smoking: Hypnotherapy can Help

It’s very nearly Stoptober, the month the NHS would like as many of you to quit smoking as possible. To that end, the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation have compiled a very handy infographic on all the goodness that comes from quitting cigarettes. You can find more details, plus other information over at their website (click here). Sadly, the only thing they haven’t included is how good hypnotherapy is at helping people quit.  Read more

Stop Smoking for October



October is nearly upon us and what an auspicious month it is; not only does it contain Halloween and my mum’s birthday (Happy Birthday Mum!), but it’s also the month that the NHS invites you to quit smoking (Stoptober) But, can it be done? Can you successfully ditch the cigarettes and remain a non-smoker in just one month?  Read more

Why You Need to Give up Your Demands



In Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), the form of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) that I advocate, we say that your demands are at the root of your psychological disturbance. But, what is a demand exactly, and how does it disturb you?  Read more

Do You Want to Feel like Spring has Sprung?



It’s Easter, a time for renewal, rebirth and resurrection, a celebration of new life and the passing of spring into summer. It’s also the time for a good old spring clean, literally, metaphorically, physically and emotionally. So, as the days get longer, brighter and warmer and as summer beckons, where do you want to start? Read more

You’re not such a hard habit to break



So, here we are, just a few short days into October, a month designated for giving up not one, but two unhealthy habits: namely, drinking and smoking. Yep, MacMillan would like you to go sober for October (click here), while the NHS would like you to use this month to stop smoking for good (click here). But, just how hard are these habits to break? Read more