Hypnotherapy: Here to Help you Shed those Pounds



Hypnotherapy is an altered state of consciousness, very similar to daydreaming, or losing yourself in a really good book. In this trance-like state, your unconscious mind becomes very susceptible to positive suggestion, especially when those suggestions are tied to a goal you already know you want to achieve. When it comes to weight loss, whether you goal is to shed a few pounds or a few stone, you’ll be amazed at what a good hypnotherapist can help you with. Read more

Brand New Bristol Based Therapist



Well, fairly new; well, sort of new. New-ish; okay, I moved here from London in January 2016 but, due to other work commitments, it’s taken me this long to sort a private practice out. However, I am a psychotherapist and I’ve been working as one since 2004. Read more

Why You Need to Give up Your Demands



In Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), the form of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) that I advocate, we say that your demands are at the root of your psychological disturbance. But, what is a demand exactly, and how does it disturb you?  Read more

Commitment: The key to your resolve

blank list of resolutions on blackboard


Hello and welcome to this, the first full working week of a brand new year. Some of you may have made some New Year’s resolutions, some of you may not; of those of you that have, some of you may already feel your resolve dissolving. The key to any goal however, is staying true to what you want to achieve, no matter how difficult, trying or just plain boring it gets staying on your path. But, like most things in life, that’s easier said than done. Read more

Diets Don’t Work: So, What You Gonna Do?

A recent article in the Metro newspaper on the ever-expanding weight loss market (click here) – to be worth an estimated £220billion globally by 2017 – highlights a significant problem with diets – they just don’t work. Never have and never will. Only five per cent of those who go on them keep off the weight they lose. So A: what’s the point of them and B: What’s the solution?  Read more