Men: It’s Good To Talk To A Therapist!
According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), male suicides are three times higher than female. And yet, women are more likely to seek out therapy than men. I’ve blogged about this problem before (click here). But, what can be done to help those who need it? Studies have shown that men are more likely to have depression written off as low mood and anxiety written off as just a bit of pressure, not only by the men who are suffering, but by the doctors and GPs who are assessing them.
On the one hand we have the stereotype that men are tough and soldier on no matter what, and on the other hand we have the other end of the stereotype spectrum, where men are all metrosexual, touchy-feely types, totally comfortable in discussing how they feel.
And, in the middle, we have what’s really going on: men who don’t know if what they’re thinking or feeling is normal, appropriate or problematic. But, what is a problem?
If your thoughts, feelings and behaviour are upsetting you, or upsetting others, if you seem stuck in a particular mind set that you don’t like, but don’t seem to be able to change, then it’s safe to say that you might have a problem, one that’s worth checking out.
Thankfully, both CBT and hypnotherapy have a direct, goal-orientated approach to problem solving (emotional, behavioural or otherwise).
Both these therapies look at where you are and where you want to be, and then help trace a very clear-cut, logical route from one to the other.
Once the process of CBT and hypnotherapy has been clearly explained, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve literally seen that ‘lightbulb’ moment, where people (both men and women) realise how change is not only possible, but practical too.
And, in today’s busy world, people like practical.