Skype Therapy: Highly Effective & Highly Desirable

Although the term ‘Skype’ is fairly new, video calling and (by association) video therapy are not. There are hundreds of studies, going back decades, that highlight the effectiveness of both video-conferenced and telephone-delivered therapy. But, who would benefit from counselling delivered this way and why would you want to do it? Read more

Anger Management: Don’t Blow It!

A video has been doing the rounds on the Internet recently, one that depicts a women going into total meltdown when she can’t get her Chicken McNuggets (click here). A warning though, if you do click on the link, whilst the video is hysterical, it’s also shocking and contains more than its fair share of foul language. Although perfect car crash TV (and leaving aside the possibility that the woman in it might be on PCP or crack), it’s also a perfect display of someone with anger management issues. Read more

Work-Stress: Prevention is Better than Cure

A recent study has found that UK businesses could be losing more than £1 billion a year due to stressed-out staff taking time off (click here). The report found that about one in five workers (19.6 per cent) have taken time off because of stress, whilst more than a quarter (28.8 per cent), said they felt stressed at work all or most of the time. But, what can be done about it? Read more

You Can Beat the Bullies

Bullying, especially its modern-day variant, cyber bullying, is sadly on the rise. And whilst adults can be vulnerable to it, it’s children and teenagers who are copping it the most. Facebook and Twitter are not the safe havens we’d like them to be and. sadly, incidents of bullying-related suicide rarely seem to be out of the papers. However, the psychological harm caused by bullying is preventable, if you know how. One such in-the-know woman was Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady and wife of the 32nd US President, Franklin D Roosevelt. She famously said: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Want to learn how not to give that consent away? Then read on. Read more

Men Need Therapy Too!

Heartthrob actor and Twilight star, Robert Pattinson (or RPatz) has just popped up in the press saying he suffers from anxiety and struggles with his looks (click here). These days, the media focus as much attention on the naked male physique, as they do on the female form. And, so men are suffering from similar psychological problems, only they’re doing less about it. Read more