Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

Okay, so the title of this article may have been purloined from the inaugural address of the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, but it also serves as an excellent introduction to that aspect of anxiety known as panic disorder, a condition that can be borne of just one or even several panic attacks. A panic attack is several things at once, none of them fun.  Read more

Jealousy: Can you tame the green-eyed monster?

Jealousy is a complicated emotion and one you experience when you feel your relationship is under threat. It’s an age-old concept and was even mentioned in the bible where (depending on which version you’re reading) it either compared to a cancer or you’re warned that it will rot your bones. But, is jealousy a beast and can it be tamed? Read more

Executive Stress: It’s Tough at the Top

Last year I posted a blog about work-related stress management (click here). Today, I’m writing about a specific sub-section of it known as ‘executive stress.’ Being a director or CEO, being in charge, hiring and firing, dealing with the day-to-day problems of everyone else below you, it’s no surprise that executives can come with their own special brand of work-related stress. But, what can you do about it?  Read more

Am I a Specialist?

People often ask me if I specialise. It’s a simple question with a slightly less-than-simple answer, as my reply lies somewhere between yes and no. Technically, I specialise in that branch of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) known as rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and clinical hypnotherapy. With them I can successfully help people manage and control a wide variety of problems. However, I do tend to specialise in the treatment of certain conditions over others. Read more

Give Your Resolutions Some Resolve!

According to a recent poll of 4,000 adults by Cancer Research UK, almost four in 10 people break their New Year’s resolutions within a fortnight, and only one in 11 will still be sticking to them in six month’s time. Be it stopping smoking, quitting chocolate or alcohol, or going to the gym, the biggest problem with sticking to your goals is what is known in CBT as Low Frustration Tolerance (LFT).  Read more

Work: Are You Buckling Under the Strain?

Work stress can come in a variety of guises, be it long hours, a workload that’s far too heavy, deadlines that are way too intense, interpersonal difficulties, performance expectations, sitting still for too long and doing repetitive things, the threat of redundancy, and more; the list goes on. And the impact of it on the working nation’s health is undeniable.  Read more

In CBT, what do we mean by beliefs?

As I’ve mentioned before (click here) Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is a form of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) that has a very particular view on your emotional problems, namely that you are disturbing yourself by the beliefs that you hold in any given event or situation. But, what does REBT mean by beliefs and how exactly do they disturb you?  Read more

Healthy Beliefs: As Easy as ABC

In a slight case of acronym overkill, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is a form of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) that takes a simple-yet-cunning approach to mental wellness, where activating events (A) trigger beliefs (B) that cause consequences (C). To find out more, read on…  Read more