Tag Archive for: Confidence

Do You Want to Feel like Spring has Sprung?



It’s Easter, a time for renewal, rebirth and resurrection, a celebration of new life and the passing of spring into summer. It’s also the time for a good old spring clean, literally, metaphorically, physically and emotionally. So, as the days get longer, brighter and warmer and as summer beckons, where do you want to start? Read more

Want More Confidence? Then Learn To Love Yourself!



In CBT, we advocate unconditional self-acceptance. You are not your stuff. You are not a total success because you have succeeded; nor are you a total failure, just because you’ve failed a few times (we’ve all done that). You are every thought, action, word and deed you have ever had and ever will have and, through it all, you are a worthwhile and fallible human being, just like every other human being on this planet. Learn to love yourself, warts and all and you’ll never have confidence issues again. Comedic actor Charlie Chaplin had a few words to say about this back in 1959. The man should have been a therapist. Read more

Want to feel more confident? Stop playing the rating game

One of the most common problems that people present with when they seek out the services of a therapist or counsellor (either directly, or indirectly, as part-and-parcel of plenty of other issues including depression, social anxiety, stress and more) is that of self-esteem, or confidence. Read more